Friday, August 14, 2015

2014-2015 Geometry INB Unit 5 (Congruent Triangles)

Here is unit 5...

The table of contents and unit self-assessment of course.

For the first time, I started the unit with Algebraic Reasoning to help students understand how to reason through proofs.  This unit started off well, so I will definitely repeat this again this year

 Then we moved on to Line and Angle Proofs.  I gave students another set of fill-in notes for Two Column Proof Pointers.

Then we did some practice Line and Angle Proofs on a worksheet.  We then stapled the worksheet into our notebooks.  The move from Algebraic proofs to line and angle proofs was rough.  I even did an in between version that used the postulates and theorems with numbers.  (This was just a worksheet, and not included in the notebooks.)  I need to find a way to smooth out the transition this year.

 Then we moved onto identifying corresponding parts of triangles.  Looking at the page now, it seems strange that there is no pictures on this page.  I'll have to fix that for next year!

I introduced students to all of the triangle congruence postulates/theorems at once.  I used this foldable by Lisa Davenport.  This foldable is available for purchase from her TPT store.

Here is the inside of the foldable.

Then we started doing congruent triangle proofs.  For the first time, I taught flow proofs.  I really liked the flow proofs, but the majority of my students preferred the two-column proofs. 

Congruent triangle proofs continued and CPCTC notes.  One of my students two years ago made up "Country People Cut The Corn" to remember the order of the letters for CPCTC, but throughout this year my students kept asking, "What does CPCTC really stand for?"  I need to do a better job of teaching what CPCTC means.

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